JJPS #Why Sphinx's Nose Cracked

 #Why Sphinx's Nose Cracked

Spinks, which are known as the guardians of pyramids are preserved pretty well.

Although the tip of the nose and a portion of its philtrum are damaged.

In fact,  not just the Spinks, the tip of nose is the part where it gets damaged first for most of sculptures.

dolhareubang which is designed to have flatter nose is relatively damaged less, 

but for the most of sculptures the tip of nose is the region where it gets damaged first.

the structure of nose is consist with immobile bone,  

freely moving nasal septal cartilage and shaking wing cartilage

for example, think of  a fishing rod, 

the initial part is very stiff but as it goes towards the end, the rod bands/

if you press your nose with your finger like this, 

the shape changes and as soon as you take off your finger, the shape comes back.

And because of this elasticity,  

human nose recovers well from outer forces.

Hence, unlike the nose of sculptures, real human nose do not get damaged easily. 

However, if you get a surgery on the tip of nose, 

using hard materials such as mash or allogeneic costal cartilage, 

even though it can result higher and sharper nose,

the elasticity of the tip of nose get lost and make it more vulnerable to outer forces.  

in fact, the tip of nose is not a bone. 

it is consist with cartilage which is much softer and elastic

Tip of nose is always supposed to be moving. 

it  must have enough elasticity in order to protect the nose from injuries.

Materials which reduce the elasticity of nose such as hard bones, 

or artificial substances are not suitable materials for nose tip surgery.

Therefore, in order to maintain elasticity, 

nose revision operation should use materials from patient's own tissue such as cartilage and autologous dermis.

Please click the video and you can check more detail there.

Please check the before and after photoes on our homepage.



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